Moments forever Gallery We have gathered many beautiful moments during our journey Commodore Antonette S Wemyss-Gorman(Jamaica Defense Force) Mrs Claudia Grant(Deputy Director of the Maritime Authority of Jamaica),, Varie Campbel(Operations Manager, the Kingston Wharves Limited, Nicole Wickham(National Liaison- Jamaica)) Commodore Antonette Wemyss-Gorman & Co-Founders of WiMAC- Mrs Claudia Grant & Mrs Vivette Grant Members of the Jamaica Chapter at Fund Raising Dinner, 2019 2019 Fund Raising Dinner – The Rousseau Primary School, which was adopted by WiMAC in 2017 2019 Fund Raising Dinner Rear Admiral Peter Brady(Ret’d) & Lady Allen at WiMAC 2019 Fund Raising Dinner Wimac annual conference 2018- field trip, Belize City, Belize Want to make a difference? Help us raise money for our humanitarian causes Donate